Monday 6 April 2015

Why I never started to write this blog.....

Well this is really the first genuine post on this blog.  I discovered the cathartic process of writing a few years back.  My mind is full of thoughts and writing about things that interest me helps to give me clarity and of course to document those musings.

Not that I think there is anything important to record.  But more as a personal journal.  To look back at from time to time and to remind myself what I was going through or experiencing.  If no one else ever reads any of this it won't concern me.

So back in September 2013 I went to Hong Kong for 3 months.  I had thought that with that much time there that I would have ample opportunity to write and thus the idea of starting a blog resurfaced.  Actually, I have long since had inclination but I can't pin point when the seed was planted.

I returned to England without penning anything.  The trip itself changed my life though.  I will blog more about that later.  England just felt hollow and in March 2014 I returned for 3 further months and then in September a further 6 months.  Returning to U.K. shores in March 2015.

In all that time I never got around to writing here and the prime reason is that Hong Kong is so amazing that I never found time.  I prioritise many things and the blog moved down the list as more interesting pursuits got added.

I'm also quite manic depressive in personality (in my mind).  I don't think I would actually qualify for an official diagnoses.  But I can be extremely lackadaisical at times yet others I can't sit still and won't rest until I can tick off many jobs that are on my To Do list.

Some of that lack of enthusiasm stems from having lost total interest in life.  Hong Kong gave me a new outlook.  It gave hope to me who thought life had nothing left to offer.

Sitting at my computer in England I have the time to reflect and it seems now the time to write.....

The world is big and daunting but it's time to see if I can grab a slice for myself.  I hope it will taste good.